Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rock And Roll Diary

Now that summer is over it's time to reflect on a great season playing at the Sand Dollar Bar in Dennisport.  Here is a video with pics from the Sand Dollar this summer.

Great Summer Season At Daddy's Beach Club Nantasket Beach

Rock And Roll Diary

Now that summer is over this post is a reflection on a great season at Daddy's Beach Club at Nantasket Beach in Hull.  Here is a video with a collection of photos from this summer along with a song recorded at Daddy's.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Jo's Nautical August 2016

Rock and Roll Diary

August 12, 2016 brought a return to Jo's Nautical Bar in Hull MA. Jo's Nautical has a quite a history. My last performance at Jo's Nautical was a great time so I looked to this gig with great anticipation. It is an early start at Jo's Nautical (7 PM).

I was thrilled to see my friends Bob and Julie walk in with a group. In the group was another friend Mark Shom, an award winning entertainer and great guy. Mark consented to join me for a song and sang a rendition of Sweet Caroline.

I've met some nice people at Jo's Nautical Bar.  Until recently I hadn't even been to this part of Hull. My perspective of Hull was that it ended at the end of Nantasket Beach.  If you venture further towards the tip of Hull where Jo's is located you will see a beautiful vista of Boston across the ocean and other great scenery. Search for the waterway Hull Gut to get an idea where Jo's Nautical is located.  Check out this promo video for the show that has a Google Earth zoom to see where exactly Jo's Nautical is on the planet.

Back at Jo's Nautical Bar FRIDAY OCTOBER 28th! 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Red Stone Grill August 2016

Rock and Roll Diary

Photo: Lisa Liftman Cooper

Here is the recap of my recent performance in North Attleboro at The Red Stone Grill.  I love the Red Stone.  The place is nice and the people are great.  The Red Stone has an awesome patio setting for outdoor dining and socializing. The challenge this show though was the heat.  It was close to a record high of 92 degrees and humid that day and it did not really cool off much as the evening went on.

I am super thankful for my friends who were able to make it to the Red Stone that evening.  I also am impressed that they survived the heat for a whole set.  After the first set, I moved inside into some wonderful air-conditioned surroundings to finish out the night.  Took many requests inside. Looking forward to bring the band Spyglass to the Red Stone in the future.

Music makes life better.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Two Doubles First Half Of August At The Sand Dollar

Rock and Roll Diary

The first half of August included two Sunday Funday shows performing at The Sand Dollar Bar in Dennisport that were 'double shifts',  5PM to Midnight, shows.  Each night I actually ended the evening by DJ'ing a dance party from 11 PM to Midnight.  Both shows had friends present from the south shore and it doesn't get any better than having friends supporting you in the crowd.

The first show featured Amy Korim playing accordion on a number of tunes.

It was also nice to get a dance floor moving with just one man, one guitar.

The first show included a couple birthday celebrations and a bachelorette celebration.  There were also guest performances with people from the audience singing including an amazing version of Sugar Mountain.  A young lady  got up and sang a resounding version of Proud Mary.  The following video is a montage of photos from the first show along with a recording of Wagon Wheel.

The second show was on an excruciating hot and humid day and I was amazed at the response I was getting from the crowd.  I took a number of requests including one for a Scottish tune Caledonia that I really love to play.  I also met some folks visiting from Australia who had a blast at the show.  The night ended amazingly well with basically the clock running out on the party.  I think people would have danced two more hours if it wasn't closing time.  Here is a video with a montage of pics including a recording of American Pie. 

Two more shows scheduled this summer down the Cape.

The Sand Dollar Bar is THE BEST BAR ON THE CAPE! #bestbaroncape

Music makes life better!

Started August With Some Excellent Fiddle

Rock and Roll Diary

The first show of August was at Daddy's Beach Club on beautiful Nantasket Beach.  It was a unique show because I was joined for a number of tunes by a fiddle player Faith Pyne.  This was a pleasant surprise as Faith was in the audience at Daddy's and she joined me on stage for a totally impromptu performance.  Faith is an excellent player.
There was a nice group of folks there that day including my Accounting Professor and friend Jim and his wife.  I was glad to play a bunch of requests for her and other folks there that day.

It was an awesome day to be by the ocean making music.  Here is a video montage of pics taken that day along with a recording from that day of a CSNY tune.

  Music makes life better!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Finishing July 2016 Strong

Rock and Roll Diary

The last shows of July were really fun and I felt like I finished the month firing on all cylinders and hitting all the right notes.

Sand Dollar Bar July 24, 2016

The July 24th show at the Sand Dollar Bar was a blast.  The Sand Dollar Bar is the best bar on the Cape and I have been fortunate to have a weekly summertime engagement there for the last 5 years. This show was destined to be a good time because friends were in the crowd that know how to have fun.  Later in the evening the crowd waned but I was so happy when I saw some folks re-enter the place later and become really engaged in the show.  A lady told me that she and her friends had bar hopped to another place and they liked my music better than the music at the other bar.  That put a smile on my face.

Daddy's Beach Club July 25, 2016

The last solo show at Daddy's Beach Club in July was an awesome day at Nantasket Beach.   A bunch of friends came out for the show including some friends I only get to see once or twice a year. I also got to meet my friend Sarah's new son!

Damien's Pub July 2016

The end of July included a show at Damien's Pub the King of Bars. Damien's in Hanson has the 'best pizza and coldest beer in town.'   This show was also a reunion of sorts because I got to see some fan club VIPs that I hadn't seen in a long time. Seeing friends at shows is the best.
Crescendo at The Sand Dollar 

The last show of the month was at The Sand Dollar Bar on July 31st and it was an amazing night.  I played a marathon performance from 5 PM to midnight and had a great response from the crowd.

Once again there were folks that I love in the crowd I hadn't seen in a while.  Some were visiting from out of state.

Others got into the act and sang of played the tambourine.  So fun!

Here is a video montage of pics along with a recording of a clip of a song from the performance. The video includes a nice bit of spontaneous applause at the end of the 'behind my head' guitar solo. 

Music made life better in July! 

Spyglass At The Lodge July 2016

Rock and Roll Diary

The band I have been performing with Spyglass had a return show to The Lodge in Randolph on July 23, 2016.  Spyglass is Beverly on Vocals, Vince on Bass, Gary on Drums and yours truly on Guitar and Vocals.

It was a great evening and was a great celebration for my friend Nancy's birthday.

One wonderful benefit of making music is being a part of the special occasions in people's lives. Literally being the soundtrack for the specials moments of their life.

People danced and had fun.  It was a great night!

Legally Blonde

Rock and Roll Diary

July 22nd I played a show at TKO Shea's in Rockland.  TKO's is a fun place that is conveniently located about a half mile off the highway of RT 3.

Sometimes during a performance at a venue that serves meals there can be an exodus.  Many times people tell me "we came for dinner and didn't expect to stay all night," and I love to hear that but I realize that some folks have places to go or are not late owls or just don't like music in general.  If I am bringing my best then I never take this exodus personally.  I have also learned to never give up on an evening because of the size or reception of a crowd at any given point in time.  I have learned through experience that a low key night can turn into a really fun night just by a couple of the right people walking in the door.  People who are interested in having a good time.  Well this performance was going that way.  A small crowd swindled right at the time I was about to start.  But things were about to change.

Later in the evening many of the cast of a production of Legally Blond The Musical walked in the place.  They were coming from a practice. When I started singing an Ed Sheeran tune they all began to sing along on the other side of the bar.  I stopped the song and invited them all to join me at the mic and they took the mic and gave some amazing vocal performances.  Throughout most of the rest of the evening different cast members took turns singing songs while I played.  It was a really great night.

My next performance at TKO Shea's is August 5th!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Music Makes Life Better

Rock and Roll Diary

I have occasionally been playing at a nursing and rehabilitation center.  It has been very rewarding for me to play there because I can see that my music is making life better for the folks under care there.  I haven't written much about these performances because they are not open to the public.  I wanted to write this post to share some pics.  Playing these performances reminds me that if you are able to walk and talk without someone's help you have a lot to be thankful for.  Also, no matter what your circumstance, music makes life better!

JP Ryan's Weds Night July 2016

Rock and Roll Diary

The mid July Wednesday night show at J.P. Ryan's was a great night for a few reasons.  Always the biggest reason for a great night is the friends who show up and the other folks who had a good time enjoying the tunes.

Another great reason is when someone joins in to help make the music.  At this show my friend Maryann played a couple songs with me on the Irish instrument the tin whistle.  She plays great and its always a good thing to play a jig or reel in an Irish pub.  Finally when you see someone you haven't seen in a long time its a wonderful thing.  Back at JP Ryan's August 24th!

Mid July Summer Shows

Rock and Roll Diary

Mid July I played two fun shows at two awesome summer venues Daddy's Beach Club and The Sand Dollar Bar And Grill.

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. -Henry James

Daddy's Beach Club

On Saturday July 16, 2016 the new band I am playing with Spyglass played an afternoon show at Daddy's Beach Club.  Daddy's is on beautiful Nantasket Beach.

Sand Dollar Bar and Grill

On Sunday July 17th I played my weekly summer Sunday Funday show at the Sand Dollar Bar.

This show was extra special because I was joined for a couple songs by an accordion player, Amy.

Great weekend of music!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Red Stone Grill July 2016

Rock and Roll Diary

Last Thursday evening I played music at the Red Stone Grill in North Attleboro, MA.

The "Red Stone Grill is a family friendly restaurant and bar featuring a menu of comfort food dishes presented with a modern twist."  

The Red Stone has a nice outdoor patio setting but I played inside because of the weather.  

Someone at the Red Stone took a short video clip of the the performance.

It was a fun night and I am looking forward to returning to the Red Stone Thursday August 11th!

Summer 2016 Return To Hillside Country Club

Rock and Roll Diary

Last Wednesday evening I was so happy to return for a Summer 2016 performance at Hillside Country Club in Rehobeth, MA.

                                         Photo:Robert Price

The Hillside Country Club has a Tikibar that Jimmy Buffet would be proud of.  I had a performance scheduled last Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:30 PM.  It was a beautiful summer evening and there was a really nice crowd of folks there.  I was especially happy to see some friends there, some old (I have known for years) and some new.

There were a couple birthdays in the house and it was a fun night.

The staff at Hillside Country Club is top notch!
Check out Hillside Country Club! I have another performance scheduled for Wednesday, August 17th 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM!

Fill In Show For Ken Snow July 2016

Rock and Roll Diary

Every once in a while an opportunity presents itself and I get a chance to fill in for another performer.  I was very honored to fill in for my friend Ken Snow last Tuesday for the weekly Tuesday Is The New Friday show at JP Ryan's Tavern in Abington, MA.

While it was a small group in the audience it was a fun group and the night was really enjoyable.  JP Ryan's is very much like a Cheer's where everyone knows your name and they are always glad you came.

My friends Ross and Kate Merrill were there and they agreed to play a couple songs.  We arranged for me to make a guest appearance at their next performance which will be on August 20th at Crow's Landing in Hingham, Mass.

Visit JP Ryan's Tavern some evening.  You will be glad you did!

As a post script Ken apparently is enjoying vacation...

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer Shows And Good Times

Rock and Roll Diary

The summer shows this year are in full swing and last weekend there were some phenomenally fun times thanks to the people at the shows.  If people know how to have fun and they want to have fun and you bring them some fun live music then they are going to have fun.

Daddy's Beach Club With Spyglass

The first show of the weekend was a full band show at Daddy's Beach Club at Nantasket Beach.

I think this was the best show to date for the new band.  

It was wonderful to see friends at the show and be able to enjoy a Saturday afternoon together with live music.

T.K.O. Malley's Sports Bar in Scituate Mass

The show at TKO Malley's was definitely the best I have ever had there.  There was a great group of people and I think there was dancing for a straight hour and a half when I played the tunes that night. Totally awesome night and I am especially grateful for my friends Sue and Judy who each brought a crew with them and helped make the night a total blast.  My friend Emily got up to sing and my friend Bob brought two friends who each sang a song and then they sang back up at the end of the night on CSN's Love The One Your With.  It was great.

The Sand Dollar Bar in Dennisport on Cape Cod

I had a feeling the show at The Sand Dollar Bar was going to be epic last weekend and it was!  Here is a link to a video showing where the Sand Dollar is and it has a clip of a song.

Come out for a show this summer!  Time passes quickly, let some of yours include live music and fun times!