Thursday, July 15, 2010

An Unlikely Venue But Great Times

Last Saturday night I played at an unlikely venue for music, Applebee's in Raynham Mass. Most people remark that they didn't think that Applebee's has music. I found out about it because one of my friends Kristen who plays gigs told me about it. This was actually my third time playing there and some really nice things happened.

Two friends that I worked with years ago Bill and Mark came to the show. My friend Bill was with his wife Lilly. I hadn't seen them in years!

A great group of friends that I have known since middle school came out to the show. It was awesome seeing Patti, John, Dawn, and Rain. :-)

One couple was especially enjoying the tunes. They had requests and the lady even got up to dance. One of the songs I wrote this past week is about the idea that 'The Whole World Is A Dance Floor.' This lady captured the spirit of that song. She didn't care that Applebee's isn't normally a place to dance. She heard a tune that made her want to dance and she danced. Like most times when people dance at a gig, it made my night. :-)

I met some really nice folks there that night.

All the people I have met who work there are very cool.

The current manager is moving on and I am not sure if the new person will be interested in music so I think it may be a while before I play there again, if at all. I am grateful to have had the opportunities to play there though. I am also very grateful to my friend Timmy who works there and put a good word in for me to help me get the gigs.

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